About Us

New Beginnings Christian Counseling Clinic offers a unique counseling program with a strong balance of clinical and spiritual care. Our counseling program is deeply rooted in traditional Christian values and incorporates clear and proven biblically-based principles for living. A vital part of the New Beginnings' difference is centered around helping people identify and develop the proper motivation for change in  their lives which comes through a reliance upon Christ and what Scripture tells us. New Beginnings has always been committed to a high quality, Christ-centered, biblically-based philosophy of treatment. This quality care program includes complete assessment and evaluation services, as well as a quality outpatient counseling program. We treat children, adolescents and adults. We also offer marriage and family counseling services. For those who need more support than weekly visits will allow, we offer an intensive outpatient counseling program.

Building On Faith

Our purpose is to build on the client's faith in Jesus Christ. Although we recognize that there can be differences in our Christian doctrine, God is never the problem. He is always, however, the solution. Although New Beginnings is built upon a strong spiritual component, we have developed our program specifically to be non-denominational in our presentation of the truths found in scripture. 

The Spiritual Component

Unlike secular counseling programs, New Beginnings' treatment philosophy views man's nature as not only physical and psychological, but we address man's spiritual dimension as well. Just as the Godhead is composed of three parts, He has designed us in His image, having three parts. It is only logical that the spiritual part of our being must be addressed. This distinction allows the client to deal with issues pertaining to their entire being - physical, emotional and spiritual. The program adheres to the idea that what we believe about ourselves and others, including God, will determine the direction our lives will take (Romans 12:2) - that is, what we think and believe will determine how we feel and how we act (Proverbs 23:7). The New Beginnings' program is carefully designed to assist clients in allowing God to take control of their thought processes in understanding their true identity and worth in Christ, therefore allowing them to  take the action necessary to resolve their problems.

Our Mission Statement

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13-14

We have all done things that we regret and for which we are ashamed. We may live in the turmoil and tension of what we have been and what we want to be. But as Christians our hope is in Christ, we can let go of past guilt and we can look forward to what God has already done in us. We must not dwell on our pasts. Rather,  we must grow in the knowledge of our Lord and concentrate on our relationship with Him now. We must realize that we are forgiven, that we are made new creatures in Christ and that we have Christ's Spirit living in us, allowing Him to make the changes in us that need to be made. Then we can move on to a fuller, more meaningful life because of our hope in Christ and in what He has already done for us.

To the sharing and teaching of these truths we dedicate the ministry of New Beginnings.

When God is about to do something great, he starts with a difficulty. When he is about to do something truly magnificent, he starts with an impossibility. - Armin Gesswein